Wedding of Claire and Fraser

How did you find out about Sophia Grace Couture?

Word of mouth, I was bridesmaid for my friend last year and Sophia Grace is where Julie got her dress and we got our bridesmaid dresses from and we had a great experience! So when it was my turn it was the first place on my list to go too! 

How would you describe your experience at Sophia Grace Couture?

Professional, honest and friendly. 

Tell us about your dress and why you choose your particular gown

It was actually Naydene that chose my gown… I was adamant I wanted something with lace and sleeves, as I have a very hourglass figure…. after trying on a few dresses that I had picked out none of them were right, so Naydene said she had one in mind that would suit my figure, she brought it through and I didn’t really like it on the hanger, she encouraged me to try it anyway as she thought it would suit my figure. I tried it on and didn’t want to take it off!! 

How did you meet?  Are you happy to tell us about the proposal?

Myself and Fraser met at our local pub (The Polton Inn) I worked as a waitress when I was 17… Fraser was 21…he  used to come in for a quick drink after his work in his army uniform… we had a wee kiss when we young but it wasn’t meant to be and we went our separate ways. Fast forward 7/8 years later, on a rare occasion I was at the gym, I bumped into Fraser again- we started dating and things progressed. He had left the military and had a job offshore, so to make the most of his time back home we would always go on holiday- I had choice of destination this time so I chose the Maldives as it was on my bucket list! Fraser wasn’t so fussed for a beach holiday but we did plenty of things. He kept suggesting that have an a la carte dinner on the beach but it was $300 and I kept saying no because we were all inclusive and didn’t see the point! I didn’t know I was ruining his master plan! On the second last night he suggested that we go watch on the sunset as we hadn’t seen it yet and it was then that he proposed!! I had no clue or inkling at all! 

What was your inspiration for your wedding?  Did you follow a specific theme or colour palette?

Fraser had always had his own kilt which was Macpherson tartan, and he had got a customised jacket made which was a soft grey… so I really wanted the colour scheme to be around his tartan and jacket.

As the venue was so sleek and modern we kept our wedding very simple, no gimmicks and didn’t over complicate anything. 

What made you decide upon your chosen venue?

To be honest I had never heard of Carlowrie Castle, it randomly came up on a google search… we booked an appointment to see it, this was back in 2016 and driving up that beautiful driveway all lit up I knew right there and then that this was the venue- and we hadn’t even seen inside it yet! 

What was the most memorable moment?

There are so many to choose from, but walking down the aisle with my dad who was proud as punch- and first making eye contact with Fraser, seeing his face made all my nerves just melt away! 

Do you have any advice for future brides visiting Sophia Grace Couture?

You might have an idea of what you want or don’t want- however have trust in the consultant, they know their stock and have done this for years so know what would maybe suit you even if you didn’t pick it. Also don’t take too many people with you, too many opinions will spoil your experience. 

I got my dress two years in advance as I was super organised- however in that time I had several melt downs about the dress- went off it when I looked back on photos- then my weight fluctuated… and at one point it didn’t actually zip up! Obviously I lost the weight and made it fit and did fall back in love with my dress but in hindsight I probably did buy it waaaay to early! 


Wedding Dress from Sophia Grace Couture

Photographer – Scott Camerashy Photography

Ceremony  & Reception Venue: Carlowrie Castle

Humanist Celebrant: Tim Maguire

Florist: Moody Cow

Cake: 3D Cakes

Make-up artist: Neelam Merchant and Charlotte Duff

Brides Hair stylist: Neelam Merchant

Hair Stylist: LB- Speciality Hair


Zavana Bridal & Zavana Couture Trunk Show

